
11th October, 2023

What is Electric Current?

Electric current is a phenomenon that determines the flow of electricity in a circuit and defines the amount of electricity that flows through the wire. In simple words, it describes the flowing current in the wire.

The Electric Current is measured in amperes or amps. It is named after the French Physicist and Mathematician André-Marie Ampere. He studied electromagnetism and found the electrodynamics concept through it. He was the first physicist to express the electromagnetism theory through mathematical equations

The knowledge of electricity has resulted in many amazing inventions like the electric car, solar appliances, electronic devices, etc. It indeed upgraded civilizations. Let’s dive deeper into the concept to understand its significance.

Mastering the Electric Current

Electric current, as we know, is the flow of electricity. Lightning is a raw form of electricity found in nature. And it can also be produced by the movement and interaction of electrons in a transmitter. Voltage and resistance are the two components interlinked with the current flow.

Voltage determines the force applied to the flowing electrons, usually measured in Volts. And resistance, as the name suggests, resists the flow of electrons in the circuit. It is measured in ohms.

Some specific reactions concerning these components are:

  1. If the voltage is higher, the current flow in the circuit gets increased and vice versa.
  2. If the resistance applied is greater than the current flow, the current is described as weak, and vice versa.
  3. If there is a requirement for more current flow at a given resistance value, it can be achieved through an increase in voltage.

The relationship between these components is thoroughly explained in Ohm’s Law, i.e., I = V/R. This law states that the electric current is inversely proportional to resistance and directly proportional to voltage. This law was determined by German Physicist Georg Ohm, who explained it in his treatise, which was published in 1827. He examined with various wire lengths to describe the applied voltage and current in electric circuits.

Therefore, curiosity is the cause of inventions.

If you want to explore physics and understand the nature of the universe, then Nagarjuna Pre-University College, with its best professional faculty is at your service.

Keep Exploring!